Source code for tensortrade.stochastic.utils.helpers

# Copyright 2020 The TensorTrade Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License

import re

from typing import Callable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from stochastic.processes.noise import GaussianNoise

from tensortrade.stochastic.utils.parameters import ModelParameters, default

[docs]def scale_times_to_generate(times_to_generate: int, time_frame: str) -> int: """Adjusts the number of times to generate the prices based on a time frame. Parameters ---------- times_to_generate : int The number of time to generate prices. time_frame : str The time frame for generating. (e.g. 1h, 1min, 1w, 1d) Returns ------- int The adjusted number of times to generate. Raises ------ ValueError Raised if the `time_frame` provided does not match the correct format. """ if 'MIN' in time_frame.upper(): times_to_generate *= int(re.findall(r'\d+', time_frame)[0]) elif 'H' in time_frame.upper(): times_to_generate *= int(re.findall(r'\d+', time_frame)[0]) * 60 elif 'D' in time_frame.upper(): times_to_generate *= int(re.findall(r'\d+', time_frame)[0]) * 60 * 24 elif 'W' in time_frame.upper(): times_to_generate *= int(re.findall(r'\d+', time_frame)[0]) * 60 * 24 * 7 elif 'M' in time_frame.upper(): times_to_generate *= int(re.findall(r'\d+', time_frame)[0]) * 60 * 24 * 7 * 30 else: raise ValueError('Timeframe must be either in minutes (min), hours (H), days (D), weeks (W), or months (M)') return times_to_generate
[docs]def get_delta(time_frame: str) -> float: """Gets the time delta for a given time frame. Parameters ---------- time_frame : str The time frame for generating. (e.g. 1h, 1min, 1w, 1d) Returns ------- float The time delta for the given time frame. """ if 'MIN' in time_frame.upper(): return 1 / (252 * 24 * (60 / int(time_frame.split('MIN')[0]))) elif 'H' in time_frame.upper(): return 1 / (252 * (24 / int(time_frame.split('H')[0]))) elif 'D' in time_frame.upper(): return 1 / 252 elif 'M' in time_frame.upper(): return 1 / 12
[docs]def convert_to_prices(param: 'ModelParameters', log_returns: 'np.array') -> 'np.array': """Converts a sequence of log returns into normal returns (exponentiation) and then computes a price sequence given a starting price, param.all_s0. Parameters ---------- param: `ModelParameters` The model parameters. log_returns : `np.array` The log returns. Returns ------- `np.array` The price sequence. """ returns = np.exp(log_returns) # A sequence of prices starting with param.all_s0 price_sequence = [param.all_s0] for i in range(1, len(returns)): # Add the price at t-1 * return at t price_sequence += [price_sequence[i - 1] * returns[i - 1]] return np.array(price_sequence)
[docs]def generate(price_fn: 'Callable[[ModelParameters], np.array]', base_price: int = 1, base_volume: int = 1, start_date: str = '2010-01-01', start_date_format: str = '%Y-%m-%d', times_to_generate: int = 1000, time_frame: str = '1h', params: ModelParameters = None) -> 'pd.DataFrame': """Generates a data frame of OHLCV data based on the price model specified. Parameters ---------- price_fn : `Callable[[ModelParameters], np.array]` The price function generate the prices based on the chosen model. base_price : int, default 1 The base price to use for price generation. base_volume : int, default 1 The base volume to use for volume generation. start_date : str, default '2010-01-01' The start date of the generated data start_date_format : str, default '%Y-%m-%d' The format for the start date of the generated data. times_to_generate : int, default 1000 The number of bars to make. time_frame : str, default '1h' The time frame. params : `ModelParameters`, optional The model parameters. Returns ------- `pd.DataFrame` The data frame containing the OHLCV bars. """ delta = get_delta(time_frame) times_to_generate = scale_times_to_generate(times_to_generate, time_frame) params = params or default(base_price, times_to_generate, delta) prices = price_fn(params) volume_gen = GaussianNoise(t=times_to_generate) volumes = volume_gen.sample(times_to_generate) + base_volume start_date = pd.to_datetime(start_date, format=start_date_format) price_frame = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['date', 'price'], dtype=float) volume_frame = pd.DataFrame([], columns=['date', 'volume'], dtype=float) price_frame['date'] = pd.date_range(start=start_date, periods=times_to_generate, freq="1min") price_frame['price'] = abs(prices) volume_frame['date'] = price_frame['date'].copy() volume_frame['volume'] = abs(volumes) price_frame.set_index('date') price_frame.index = pd.to_datetime(price_frame.index, unit='m', origin=start_date) volume_frame.set_index('date') volume_frame.index = pd.to_datetime(volume_frame.index, unit='m', origin=start_date) data_frame = price_frame['price'].resample(time_frame).ohlc() data_frame['volume'] = volume_frame['volume'].resample(time_frame).sum() return data_frame