Source code for tensortrade.env.default.stoppers

from tensortrade.env.generic import Stopper, TradingEnv

[docs]class MaxLossStopper(Stopper): """A stopper that stops an episode if the portfolio has lost a particular percentage of its wealth. Parameters ---------- max_allowed_loss : float The maximum percentage of initial funds that is willing to be lost before stopping the episode. Attributes ---------- max_allowed_loss : float The maximum percentage of initial funds that is willing to be lost before stopping the episode. Notes ----- This stopper also stops if it has reached the end of the observation feed. """ def __init__(self, max_allowed_loss: float): super().__init__() self.max_allowed_loss = max_allowed_loss
[docs] def stop(self, env: 'TradingEnv') -> bool: c1 = env.action_scheme.portfolio.profit_loss > self.max_allowed_loss c2 = not return c1 or c2